Tuesday, February 7, 2012

30 day challenge

Well here we all are a week into our 30 day challenge now. I am taking 3000 mg of fish oil a day to show that positive effects of it. My main focus is on the brain aspect but since we can't really get any proof of this, I will be measuring my cholesterol and blood pressure before and after. It should be decreasing. But I'm going to be honest here. I kinda failed last week on keeping up with the habit of taking my supplements. But I also failed on making it to the health center to get my blood drawn, well I didn't really fail that but in order for an accurate reading of cholesterol you need to fast for 12 hours before, and I have been trying to find a good time to do that. Therefore, Thursday I plan to get my blood work done and hopefully keep up my fish oil from there on out and the whole challenge will be back on track :) Yes, I will get into a week of March, or as long as I can while we are here. Next week I will have more hard facts about fish oil to talk about. I already know them now but since I haven't been consistant on the dosage, I just want to wait until next week to discuss what fish oil should do and how I actually feel.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really cool! I am curious how this turns out. I don't know anything about the effects of fish oil, so it will be interesting to learn about it.
