Wednesday, February 22, 2012

30 day challenge (Day 21)

The actual taking of FO is going well. I only missed Friday night (I take 3 capsules in the morning and at night). I haven't noticed any significant side effects. I mentioned I was a little dizzy at the gym and I thought my blood pressure being lowered by the fish oil may have something to do with it. I highly doubt that though because I am not taking a high enough dosage for it to have any drastic change like that. Plus, I have always gotten dizzy if I do to much strenuous exercise. I found some awesome resources by doing the annotated bibliography. I even found an article that is on the opposing side of FO. It talked a little about how the effects may not be so beneficial as we thought. As I will discuss in my paper, the facts were not very clear on that article and it sided more on the benefits than the observation of not so many benefits.

1 comment:

  1. Your project is really interesting! I actually had never even heard of fish oil until earlier this year. It is so cool how good it is for you. It will be really interesting to see how much your findings match up with the results you are finding in your research. I think it is also cool you came across an article that was opposing fish oil. I personally, have never heard anything bad about it!
