Thursday, May 3, 2012


Every single person is so good that has been speaking. This week we had Brittany who talked about the benefits of exercise. She is really passionate about this and has been exercising for quite some time now. She had a great use and incorporation of her project into her multimodel. Most the things I already knew, but she hit home a lot of key points for anyone who doesn't know much about the benefits of exercising.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Presentations Tues-April 17

Great Presentation. Used a lot of pathos and is a great speaker. His topic was Anti-Gay bullying, and he created a website that focused on reaching out to gay kids in school. Starts of website and speech by using a persuasive quote saying "It can start with you". Lathaniel also uses videos to "hit home more." Really focusing on and has a passion for kids being bullied in school. Provides a guide to help teachers intervene with bullying because teachers are typically to scared. To help stop bullying, tell an adult, do not use physical violence. Overall, great presentation and really did a great job being proud in front of everyone to cause awareness

This topic was very interesting to me. It was about Lucid Dreaming. Vinnie keeps his composure while speaking and also did a very great job. His Multimodel was a poster with a very artistic picture of a hot air balloon with a person laying in the with dream bubbles rising into the balloon. The person resembles people and the balloon was being powered by the dreams. The balloon was separated in three different sections which resembled the three different arguments or reasons for Lucid Dreaming. These three were: a way to escape, improve motor skills, and to be at free will. On the picture, the right side of the balloon represented a business life to an escaping realty. On the left, it went from baseball to improving motor skills and in the middle it went from a courtroom to having absolute free will. Interesting thought Vinnie mentioned was that he got the images from google to represent what really is the first thing people think of when they hear these words of escaping reality, free will, improving motor skills, business, courtroom, and baseball. Another great presentation.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Multimodel Project

I will be doing my multimodel project in the form of a website. I am familiar with websites and believe I can do something interesting with it. Also, websites are a great way to include a lot of information, and that is exactly what my experiment entails. There is a lot of research to incorporate and this is the best way to display and present it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is Text?

Text is the written form of language. It physically starts with a letter or symbol. Then letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs, and so on. Although we can get more in depth with our letters and characters, we don't necessarily have to use just these to make text. Text is simply a written idea. Whether your words make sense or not, it is still text. Although text is different from pictures.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

30 day challenge (Day 29)

The month goes by fast when you actually count every week out. I had my blood drawn today to get my final levels of Cholesterol and Blood Pressure. I will get the results for my cholesterol on Friday but I do have my Blood Pressure now. Firstly, the normal Blood Pressure is 120/80. Now, at the beginning of the month I was at 122/70 and after getting the results today, I am at 100/68. Also, I get my Blood pressure checked every Monday and Friday when I give plasma, and this past Monday I was at 117/52. The pressures seem to be all over the place but both recordings at the end of the month were lower than my Original. There have been studies of fish oil elevating moods. Since I was not blinded to the affects of fish oil it is hard to determine of my bias view had a mental impact at all. Although, after the second week I was feeling good and unsure if the fish oil had anything to do with it. Then, I was also in great spirits the third and fourth week. Therefore, even though judgements are hard to pass, I want to say I definitely felt an anti-depressant effect from taking fish oil. I will continue to take fish oil, only 1200mg less (2 capsules), simply for the cost. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Shoes Define You

Your typical connotation of someone who likes shoes is a diva girl. Well sorry to break the status quo, but I really like shoes. It actually wasn't until recently that I realized my love for shoes, and it all started when I was a little kid. I didn't grow up in the best financial situation, I didn't even grow up above poverty. But every time I would visit my Grandmother she asked the same question, "Do you need new shoes?" I would reply the same with a no, as I would wear the same wore down tennis shoes until I literally couldn't. I would eventually let her buy me a new pair out of annoyance from her asking. You see, my family is a distorted one and me and my Grandma are very close and always have been. She is getting older now, 92,  and I am starting to take an interest in her life. Something I learned about her a couple months ago is that she used to model for shoes, and they would send her a new pair often, which explains why she always wants me to get new shoes. Now in the recent month I have realized something about myself and my shoes. I realized that what ever pair I decide to wear, really has an influence on my attitude. Living in a small room on a college campus, I didn't want to bring all my shoes, so I really only have 6 or 7 pairs with me. I don't know if some would say that is a lot or not but I do not feel that it is. I don't feel its a lot because each one is used for a different purpose. I have tennis shoes, dress shoes, sperries, slip-ons, work shoes, style shoes. I usually always wear my style shoes which are kinda like skater shoes, but when I wear these I feel like a bolder individual and take things slow. If dont have room in my book bag and am working out that day, I will just wear my tennis shoes. Wearing my tennis shoes really changes my whole outfit, it makes me feel ready to move more and more of a common individual, almost bringing my pride down. If I wear my sperris, it gives me a casual feel, I am still careful and catious in these shoes but I feel classy. If I wear my slip-ons, it means I am lazy and comfortable that day, and introvert. Even if you don't notice it, your shoes have an influence on your mood. And now if you ever see me and what shoes I am wearing, you will know how I feel that day