Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is Text?

Text is the written form of language. It physically starts with a letter or symbol. Then letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make paragraphs, and so on. Although we can get more in depth with our letters and characters, we don't necessarily have to use just these to make text. Text is simply a written idea. Whether your words make sense or not, it is still text. Although text is different from pictures.


  1. I would disagree with your statement "Whether your words make sense or not, it is still text." I disagree with this because I believe that text carries meaning. So a text would have to make sense because it carries meaning.

  2. My post was very similar to yours. I agree with your description of how text starts out as just letters or symbols and as people put them together into words, sentences, etc. that is when they begin to hold meaning.

  3. Your last sentence, "...text is different from pictures" is an interesting observation. Text can be different from pictures but only by the meaning someone gets from the picture. A single single can be considered art or a picture to some. I also think that text has a direct relationship to pictures, text gives one the means to create their own picture or visualization of something.
