Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Art of Listening

This has always been a key element to my lifestyle, listening more than talking. It has come up many times throughout my life that we learn more when we listen, so that's what I do. Hence, I liked this article.
If I were to take away one thing from this, it would be the parable. "human beings have two ears but only one tongue. Why is this? Probably so that we have to listen twice as much as we speak."  Now that is just so true. He talks about getting away from the egocentric community, and I am %100 in agreement with that. It seems like anything anyone wants to do is talk and never return the favor by listening.
The story we read in class and this article have an ironic similarity in which neither of the conversations ended. Although the two conversations have different tones and can be interpreted differently I think we can come to an agreement on this quote by Henning Mankell, "What differentiates us from animals is the fact that we can listen to other people’s dreams, fears, joys, sorrows, desires and defeats — and they in turn can listen to ours." This quote says how in anyway way we express ourselves, that is what makes us human . You can learn something from an old man telling his life story or from a professor giving a lecture, but you are still listening which in turn is learning. 
When we do our experiments, we are going to be gathering as much information as we can. And in order to learn more, we must listen more. That is simply the key.


  1. You had a great post and I agree with the fact that in life we do need to listen more than we speak and that hearing what others have to say is very important. I also believe that our experiments will be better and more accurate if while we gather our information we keep our ears open and listen to all the information to be able to gain knowledge and a better understanding.

  2. I always try harder to listen more and talk less. I'm a pretty talkative person, but when it comes time to hear others' sides and opinions I can listen forever. I may disagree with someone's opinion but I'm not going to disrespect them and cut them off, I'll wait my turn. I have to agree that listening is the "simple key" to our experiments.

  3. I definitely agree that some people listen more than they talk, however I do not think it is a trait that everyone has. I also think that those who are not good listeners struggle more in life. How can you learn anything new or get different perspectives if you are always the one talking? I completely agree with your take on this article!

    1. I agree that listening is something not everyone is good at. But I do think that, with practice, a person can improve if they want to!

  4. Very well written post. Great job at incorporating different quotes from the article. I also agree with you on your view of his quote about why human beings have two ears and one tongue.

  5. I also saw the similarity in the two articles. I liked how in both the conversations never ended. A lot of times I think life is like that. It seems as if we always have something to talk about, or we are trying to find something to talk about to fill the silence, when we really should listen every once in a while.
